Thursday, December 20, 2012

New ECC Building Belongs Downtown - A Letter to the Buffalo News

This letter to the editor was published in the Buffalo News on December 19th, 2012. You can read it here.

New ECC building belongs downtown

The “Buffalo billion” comes at a great time for Erie County. As the county welcomes to downtown Buffalo the Albany-based AMRI, an advanced manufacturing and health science company, it shows the need for education to be tailored to these expanding sectors in the region. Erie Community College plays a role in providing these educational programs because they will eventually lead to jobs that are the backbone of these sectors.

When ECC decides soon on where to place a new academic building, remember that we need our education and jobs in proximity to one another. By having classes near jobs, we can give all students of various socioeconomic backgrounds the chance to have internships and employment.

Gregory Conley

Co-chairman, Young Citizens

for ECC, Buffalo